Tuesday 12 May 2015

Have you ever thought of yourself as a blade of grass?

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers “Grow, grow” – The Talmud

You stick up, stand up, all bright, green and shiny, a blade unto yourself.  There is no other blade like you!   Trust me, if you are somewhere where grass grows go have a look at a lawn you will see each blade as separate.  They aren’t identical, some curve one way, some the other, and some are short and others long and leggy.

However, if you were to go a bit further and stick a shovel in and gently pull up a chunk of sod, all the roots are intertwined, there is a complex support system in place.  All the blades may grow separate, but they are all connected together, nourishing each other, and feeding each other, sharing treasured resources – it’s very cool.

So let’s look at the opening phrase - believe it or not but there is always a “someone” who bends over you and encourages you and whispers into your ear – grow, grow
Sometimes we don’t want to hear it and will rail against it; often we don’t see it and more oft than not we negate it.  It’s there though.

Ask yourself – how does it feel to think that you are totally alone?  You aren’t, but often we feel that we are the only one out there juggling, feeling, doing, being whatever it is we are.  So we shrink a little and wither (like grass that doesn’t get water). As we may perceive “we aren’t doing it right”.

How does it feel to shrink back to the places you know, but that don’t always serve you so well?  How does it feel to keep yourself isolated, playing small and just trudging along? How does it feel to not pay attention to the whispers?  They are there all the time whether you pay attention or not.  They are in the casual conversation on the street, they are in the wind rustling through newly leafed branches, they are in the waves as they cascade into the shore, they are in the random email you receive that is lovely, someone complimenting you.  The whispers are there all the time.

Should you find yourself contracting and restricting I encourage you to reach out, stretch hard if you need to and step out of your comfort zone.  Listen to the whispers, they are delicious.   

Be the gorgeous shiny piece of fresh grass and go find the people or angels that can whisper to you when you need it.  Find those that will support you in your growth, your learning, and your hardships or even kick your butt if needed.  Open yourself, share and be vulnerable.

If you want to stretch even further create a community of people around you that can whisper to you, encourage, support and mentor you, and that you can whisper to.

Like the blade of grass, we are all individuals up top, but we are all interconnected underneath and that is what makes us strong, grow and flourish.

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